Obama - Who are you?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jihad Watch / Dhimmi Watch Digest

Jihad Watch / Dhimmi Watch Digest
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

***** JIHAD WATCH *****
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Stop the presses! Pakistan helped the Taliban!

A real shock horror, totally unexpected, out-of-left-field Friend-and-Ally Update: "US think tank: Pakistan helped Taliban insurgents," by Jason Straziuso for Associated Press, June 9 (thanks to Block Ness): KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Pakistani intelligence agents and paramilitary forces have helped...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021339.php>
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Saudis to ease up on the jizya?

After rebuffing Bush twice, the Saudis are mulling over putting some slack on the leash again. No serious moves to free us from this dependence seem to be on the horizon. "Saudi Arabia seeks oil price curb," from AP, June...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021338.php>
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Suspected Iranian jihadists, wanted by Interpol, travel freely to Saudi Arabia

To attend this conference. "Iranian Terror Suspects Travel Freely to Saudi Arabia," by Patrick Goodenough for CNSNews.com, June 9 (thanks to Cindy): (CNSNews.com) - Seven months after Interpol placed a former head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards on its most-wanted list,...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021337.php>
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Fitzgerald: Weaning them away from radicalism?

His force has now identified at least 10 youngsters – including two 13-year-olds – as Â"vulnerableÂ" and formally referred them to a programme to wean them away from radicalism. -- from this article How would they be "weaned away"? Will...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021336.php>
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Malaysian Foreign Minister: We must correct Western media's misperceptions of Islam

You want to correct Western perceptions of Islam? Stop blowing things up and cutting off peoples' heads while shouting, "Allahu akbar." Turn your energies to stopping the Muslims who are blowing things up and cutting off peoples' heads while shouting,...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021332.php>
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Graffiti outside London mosque: "Jihad is the Only Solution for Israel"

Jihad Watch reader RW kindly sends in these photos taken outside Bow Central Mosque in the East End of London. The top picture is a side shot of the Bow Central Mosque. You can see the blue graffiti on...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021331.php>
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Karzai: "I wish I had the Taliban as my soldiers"

Approaching seven years after 9/11, would you have predicted that the Iraqi Prime Minister would be in Tehran pledging closer ties to the mullahcracy, and the Afghan President reporting that Western countries are paying off jihadist warlords? "'I Wish I...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021330.php>
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Maliki in Iran: he will "not allow Iraq to become a platform for harming the security of Iran"

Honest, Nouri, no whoopie cushion this time, I promise Even as Iraq prepares to sign a security arrangement with the U.S., Maliki assures Ahmadinejad that Iraq will not be a base for an operation against Iran, and says he...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021329.php>
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Jemaah Islamiyah on Obama's community blogs

The Indonesian Jemaah Islamiyah is responsible for the 2002 Bali bombings, and has been designated a terrorist organization. I am sure this is not the same group, but it doesn't sound much better. This entry in Obama's Community blogs...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021328.php>
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Spencer Blogging the QurÂ'an: Sura 28, Â"The StoryÂ"

The latest in my ongoing series, from Hot Air: It has often been noted that while the Bible is (among many other things) a series of historical narratives, the QurÂ'an is a series of sermons. This is nowhere clearer than...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021326.php>
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***** DHIMMI WATCH *****
Home page: <http://jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/>

Honor violence widespread in Sweden

Eurabia Alert: "Honour violence widespread in Sweden," from The Local, June 9 (thanks to Fjordman): Honour-related violence is rampant across the country, according to a new study by Sveriges Radio. Nearly 60 percent of the countryÂ's social services have helped...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/021340.php>
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Fitzgerald: On whether or not I am mentally ill

"Hugh having read this its clear you are mentally ill. You believe every Muslim follows Islam, preaches Islam and wants to take over the UK by jihad." -- from a curious comment by a Muslim apologist, "istanbulnotconstantinople," at Jihad Watch...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/021335.php>
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Yemen: Over half of married women under 15

Muhammad married Aisha was he was in his fifties and she was nine. He is the supreme example of conduct for Muslims. Could that have anything to do with this? What do you think? "Yemen: Over half of married women...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/021334.php>
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Indonesian government orders Ahmadiyyas to return to orthodox Islam -- or face 5 years in prison for "insulting Islam"

See how many things fall under the rubric of "insulting Islam"? This is why it's so dangerous for Western entities even to consider tailoring hate speech laws to cover these alleged insults -- it could turn out that simply having...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/021333.php>
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Karsenty and the AJC

An exchange of letters concerning Philippe Karsenty and the Al-Dura hoax: TO: National and Chapter Leadership FROM: Jason Isaacson RE: Response to recent email accusations against AJC In recent days, a French media critic and blogger named Philippe Karsenty has...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/dhimmiwatch/archives/021327.php>
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