Obama - Who are you?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jihad Watch / Dhimmi Watch Digest

Jihad Watch / Dhimmi Watch Digest
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

***** JIHAD WATCH *****
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Wilders to screen Fitna at the Capitol!

Stand up for free speech -- and the truth Three cheers for John Kyl! "US lawmaker hosts anti-Islamic Dutch lawmaker," by Associated Press, February 23: WASHINGTON — Republican Sen. Jon Kyl is hosting a film screening at the Capitol...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024988.php>
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Bill Clinton: "The Israelis have to decide whether they want to share the future in a positive way with a constructive Palestinian state"

The Israelis have to decide that? The Palestinians apparently are already all on board with the idea of peaceful coexistence with Israel, and have forgotten all about that jihad business? What planet is Bill Clinton on? The same planet,...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024987.php>
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Fitzgerald: Iran and its Science Project

Has the Western world, and has the American government in particular, gone mad? Does it not see, with Pakistan, the hideous situation created when a Muslim state acquires nuclear weapons? The Americans now are in the position of having to...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024986.php>
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Steyn: "If it weren't for the frothing loony ranting wackjob haters of the blogosphere a 16-year old girl murdered for not wanting to be imprisoned by her family's culture would be entirely forgotten"

Mark Steyn weighs in on the National Post's Chris Selley's smear of Pamela Geller's attempt to memorialize honor killing victim Aqsa Parvez -- an attempt I have been proud to support and assist: "Aqsa to grind," by Mark Steyn, February...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024985.php>
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Photo of former Boston-based jihadist does not depict her torture by Americans, as was widely reported

A milk bottle incident So says her husband, anyway. You may have seen the picture above last year, when the formerly Boston-based jihadist Aafia Siddiqui was captured in Afghanistan. The photo was widely circulated as indicating that Siddiqui had...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024984.php>
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Pakistan Airline bans employee beards, jihad group fumes it's a "stark violation of Sunnah and an attempt to please the West"

Not on Pakistan International Airlines, please It's an anti-Islamic attempt to please the West! The upshot of this, then, is that any mitigation of Sharia norms is illegitimate: Western governments should take careful note of the invoking of France...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024983.php>
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Global jihad groups could be behind rocket attacks from Lebanon and Gaza

And certainly there are many groups worldwide that share the same beliefs as those held by Hizballah and Hamas. "'Global jihad could be behind rockets,'" by Yaakov Lappin for the Jerusalem Post, February 23 (thanks to Sr. Soph): Al-Qaida affiliated...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024982.php>
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Fitzgerald: A tribute to Thomas Friedman

Unimportant in himself, Tom Friedman has become important by virtue of his station: he is one of the columnists for The New York Times. He is read, and by many, and is assumed to know whereof he speaks. He has...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024981.php>
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Al-Qaeda second banana: "The jihad to liberate Palestine and all the homelands of Islam mustn't cease...and Crusader and Jewish targets are spread all over the world"

Fighting phantom Crusaders He doesn't want Hamas to accept a truce with Israel -- despite the fact that Hamas would only do so in order to gather strength to fight the Israelis more fiercely later. "Al-Qaida No. 2 urges...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024980.php>
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Geert Wilders is coming to America!

Here's the press release: AN EVENING WITH GEERT WILDERS Geert Wilders, chairman of the Freedom Party in The Netherlands (PVV), maker of the film Fitna, and brave fighter for Western values, will speak in Washington, DC, this week. Wilders,...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024979.php>
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The Bulletin of Christian Worldwide Persecution

As one reads the following numerous anecdotes of Christian persecution at the hands of Islam, the one thing to bear in mind is that this is but a tithe of what really goes on in the Islamic world (and possibly...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024978.php>
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Yemen: Muslim anti-Semitism prompts Jewish immigration

Persecuted for being Jewish Considering that the prophet of Islam, Muhammad himself, said, "I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim," it is difficult to find fault in the...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024977.php>
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And now, introducing the "Heroin Jihad"

"[A] two-pronged attack which peddles death and misery [to infidels] with heroin while netting massive sums to pay for future terror attacks," that is, the jihad. "Asian terror gangs target UK with killer heroin," by Scott Hesketh for the Daily...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024976.php>
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Under Taliban, "misogyny is being systematized in Swat" in an "unprecedented" manner

"The Swat Taliban have also announced that families with unmarried females should come forward in mosques so that the women/girls may be married off – to the Taliban. Or else, they are to be forcibly married (read raped)." "Whither SwatÂ's...

Full article: <http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/024975.php>
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